Page 75 - 涂层与防护1908-合
P. 75

           第 40 卷第 8 期                                                                              Vol.40 No.8
           2019 年 8 月
                                                  COATING AND PROTECTION




                    摘要:分别用双酚 A 型环氧树脂、氢化双酚 A 型环氧树脂、柔性环氧树脂合成阴极电泳涂料用成膜树
                脂, 考查了催化剂的用量和反应温度对环氧树脂扩链反应的影响和不同羧酸作为中和剂对乳液储存稳定
                性的影响。 通过检测数据对比,柔性环氧树脂作为阴极电泳涂料的成膜树脂可以提高槽液的泳透力,提高
                    中图分类号:TQ630.7          文献标识码:A         文章编号:1672-2418(2019)08-0055-05

                Synthesis and Application of Flexible Epoxy Resin in

                                                  CED Coatings

                                        Wu Rangjun, Tang Wanjun, Li Qinghong
                              (Tianmen Waterborne Coating Studio, Tianmen, Hubei 431708, China)

                   Abstract: A film -forming resin for cathodic electrodepostion coating was synthesized from
                bisphenol-A type epoxy resin, hydrogenated bisphenol-A type epoxy resin and flexible epoxy resin.
                In this paper, the effects of the amount of catalyst and reaction temperature on the chain-extending
                reaction of epoxy resin were discussed. Meanwhile, the effects of different carboxylic acid as
                neutralizers on the storage stability of emulsion were investigated. By comparing the test data, the
                film -forming resin based on flexible epoxy resin in the cathodic electrodeposition coating can
                improve the throwing power of bath solution, the flexibility and aging resistance of the film. However,
                it reduces the salt spray performance to some extent.
                   Keywords: flexible epoxy resin; throwing power; carboxylic acid;epoxide equivalent

           0 引言                                                稳定性极差等缺点。 因此,在涂料行业,环氧树脂一般
               环氧树脂是指分子链段上含有两个或两个以上                                阴极电泳涂料是 1971 年 PPG 公司          [1,2] 首次成功运
           环氧基团的聚合物,其分子结构中的基团组成赋予了                             用在汽车上的 OEM 底漆,当时底漆的成膜物为双酚 A
           它不同的性能。 使漆膜具有优异的耐化学品、防腐蚀                            型环氧树脂,目的是提高钢材的防腐性。经过近 50 a 的
           和耐水性能、对金属有很好的附着力、固化成膜收缩                             技术积累,阴极电泳漆逐步向高泳透力、高边缘防腐
           率小等优点, 同时其醚键上的亚甲基易受光氧化,光                            性、无铅无锡、低温固化、高耐候性方向发展 。随着水

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